I am once again enraged. I know that is shocking because I always seem to be enraged these days. The Nevada Attorney General’s Office posted a job listing for deputy attorney general for consumer protection. Strangely, {D} was deputy insurance commissioner for consumer protection. Coincidence; I’m sure.
But oh yeah, {D} told me he was offered a position immediately after calling “his attorney“ who offered him a job. He told me his “attorney” referred him to them. You rape someone and need an attorney, it’s good to have the attorney general’s office on speed dial.
I know I know I know I sound like a fucking lunatic. But he got out of that some way. It’s who you know and who you blow.
He was supposed to sit for the bar exam this month and lo and behold the DAG position he would have been perfect for opened up. Again coincidence?
Here is a text exchange between {D} and myself regarding his “job offer.” The “soft offer” came the Monday after the Friday he was escorted out of his office by police and coincidentally that was also the day that Wolfson kicked it up to the AGs office.
July 22nd
Me: Did you at least hear back from that one interview, what about the soft offer you got?
{D}: I’m supposed to have one more next week
Me: With the one you interviewed with or the soft offer?
{D}: Second one
Me: That great! Any other interviews?
{D}: Not so far
Me: Did you think about my idea of reaching out to law firms or was that stupid?
{D}: Thinking about it
Me: Good. It’s a lot of leg work, but a form email and an attached resume should make it easier. Like maybe do like 5 a day? There were 250 or something but you have to exclude the PAs.
Me: What is the plan for when you’re asked why you left the government?
Me: Wanted to make more money before you retired? Wanted to go back to the private sector?
Me: ?
{D}: Yeah, and just time for a change after 7 years
Me: Okay what about the questions about why you didn’t rake the bar before you left?
Me: ?
{D}: The jobs I am applying for don’t require it
{D}: Except for the one next week
Me: So what is your answer for them?
{D}: They know
Me: They know what happened or you answered the question already? If the latter what was the answer?
{D}: What happened
Me: What was that answer?
Me: ?
{D}: I told them what happened
Me: You went into an interview and told them your ex girlfriend accused you of sexual assault and sent salacious videos to your boss and every member of your staff? And they are doing a second interview?
{D}: Pretty much
Me: Pretty much? What exactly?
Me: ?
Me: Okay not answering that one. So what kinds of jobs are you looking at that don’t require the bar?
Me: ?
{ D}: In house counsel, management, various things
Me: Oh cool. I’m glad you have options. I think you need to get back into practice because it will make you happier. Is it like insurance companies or just what’s available?
Me: ?
{D}: What’s available
Me: Okay well, given you already told them, I’m certain you’ll get the job next week. Is the salary going to cover you?
Me: Ohhh it’s your lawyers office, isn’t it?
{D}: No they recommended him
Me: You lie with ease. Why would you tell them that?
{D}: Because I needed a lawyer
Me: Gotcha so you were trying to find a lawyer and the offered you a job and recommended another lawyer?
{D}: Yes
Me: Got it. Well yeah they will give that to you. No worries. Is the clerk salary going to cover you?
{D}: Close enough
Me: Okay so you’ll be back in your feet in no time and making a shit ton more after February.
Me: Just gotta buy cheap gin until then
Yeah, you tell me with the information that that job is open in February when he would have sat for the bar had I not taken my attorney’s advice and contacted the bar before he could even apply, he would be in the fucking attorney general’s office here in Nevada instead of Vermont. You tell me that shit is a coincidence. And his attoney who referred him? I know who that is. Anyone else pissed a rapist referred to an attorney for the State of Nevada as “his attorney?” I mean fine he was fucking her, but for god’s sake.
But wait, there’s more!
July 31st
Me: So what do you not like about the law firm you may be working for? What’s the deal?
{D} It’s probably going to be pretty good, it’s just a change
Me: That didn’t answer the question. What precisely makes you concerned about it?
{D} New environment, coworkers, etc. Not really concerned, just a matter of getting comfortable there.
{D} And the hassle of applying and taking the bar
Me: Well you will settle in. I’m sure it will be good.
Me: And the expense of the bar.
Me: I saw it was like $1055.
Me: But you will be happier being an attorney than management.
{D} No, the pay increase post bar will more than cover it
Me: That’s probably true.
Me: See 6 months and you’ll be fine. Back in the courtroom where you belong.
{D} Looking like that
Me: You have to be a little excited about that.
{D} It’ll be good to see a jury again
Me: You’ll love it. Just think about the good things.
{D} The good thing is these people actually go to trial, not settling everything. I respect that.
Me: And that’s what you love. Is this the one that defends against personal injury?
{D} Yes
Me: So are the insurance companies? Is it wotkman’s? It’s not {law firm} and something is it??
{D} No, injury cases. No w/c, that’s a no win situation
Me: Okay. Sorry that’s where {another ex boyfriend}works. Awkward. Just making sure. But you would be representing or paid for my insurance companies?
{D} Paid by insurance. Just like in my old firm
Me: And you just slid into that? Yeah bro you’re going to love it.
{D} I’m sure it will be more fun than what I’ve been doing
Me: No shit. You hated your job. Plus you should know people at every insurance company in the state so you are going to be a huge asset to them and increase billings.
Me: Shit you should be making fucking bank in no time. Buy a new SL.
{D} No but I should make more than I have been
Me: Dud if you can pull in more work and possibly branch off to defend insurance companies against your former brethren at the insurance division. You no way you aren’t making bank and then some b
{D} Probably eventually
Me: Damn. I shoulda held out until you were rich. Joke.
{D} Ha!
{D} We’ll see. Nothing has happened yet
Me: Dude they’re stupid not to grab you. Your network is worth more to their niche than you might realize. Like no you will be buying an SL. New.
Me: You buy a new SL because of all this, that fucking thing better be named after me.
Me: I’ll also accept psychotic bitch.
His old firm, you mean the attorney generals offices in Vermont and Samoa? Those old firms.
Then I called him out on it a couple months later.
August 10th
Me: So is the DAs office or the AG?
{D} That isn’t intelligible Me: What?
Me: Is the new job at the Clark county district attorney office or with the Nevada attorney general’s office?
{D} Neither. And I don’t currently have a job.
Me: Don’t get pissy. You speak in half truths. I believe you that you are not employed. I called it. Half fucking truths.
Me: Bro did I legit fuck up a DA job for you?
Me: No seriously I’m asking because I didn’t mean to and I didn’t realize.
Me: Yes or no?
{D} I didn’t apply at the DA. I don’t have a license here yet.
Me: Clerking?
Me: You said it was clerking.
{D} They don’t have that
Me: Then was it a judge?
Me: They don’t have that. Jesus they are just fitting you in somewhere like you did when you went to Vermont before the bar.
Me: Okay conspiracy theory time. Soooo {the other girlfriend} got you in prior to the possible criminal charges and then they have been dragging their feet because I am going hard on them. I intend to royally fuck over as many of them as possible. Wolfson, may god have mercy on his soul. :)
{D} Have at him
Me: I’m down. Fuckers. I hate that the world is like that. The people with the power and the cronyism. That’s why I’m going to law school. If you can’t beat em join em. I’ll go full zevon
So yeah lack of imagination on my part it was AG not DA. My bad, I should have asked the right questions.
This would be about the time I was chasing people down hallways and complaining to the bar.
September 11th
Me: So did that one clerk thing go south?
{D} I don’t think so they just aren’t organized
Then after I complained to the bar we also had this little exchange:
September 15th
Me: Dude I’m just beating a dead horse at this point. They closed out the case Friday after the AG declined charges. You have no worries legallly.
Me: I just wanted to know is if I’m fucking you up getting a job because of it. I’ll stop if it’s fucking up your job prospects. They get a strongly worded email about once a week.
{D} I think that ship has sailed
Me: What do you mean?
{D} State isn’t likely to hire me
Me: No shit. I was surprised you were even trying.
And there we have it, my conspiracy theories and the reasons for them. On the next episode: how I got blocked by the Nevada Division of Insurance featuring documentation about how they covered it up.
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