Ms. Engler-
I was the victim in this case regarding D. I recently received the report from the Nevada State Police and I see where you were the one to make the decision in this case.
You had replied to an email 8/29/2024 stating there were too many issues with the case and could not be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. To this I will once again state, it’s on video.
The only answer I have been given was from Steve Wolfson who told me he could “prosecute men who raped prostitute, but [I] stayed with him.” And if you don’t see how insulting that is to be compared to a prostitute, I don’t know what to tell you.
I need to know what the exact reasons are for declining this case. Exact reasons. I can help clarify anything at all. I can provide you with my actual therapists notes of our sessions. I have thousands of texts going back and forth. But even if you won’t reconsider, I need to know why. I’ve spent 6 weeks thus far in intensive inpatient and outpatient psychiatric care and I need to know why. I need to know why everyone I have ever met was allowed to do whatever they wanted to my body. I need to know why. I can’t live without knowing why I don’t have the right to my body. I literally am not going to survive this. I can’t live like this. Please help me understand what happened. Please I beg, please.
I have my reasons for why I sent that email the way I did instead of going to the police. I had been raped for 3 years, sometime 5 times a day for an hour at a time by my exhusband. When he and I had gotten into a fight because I was trying to go to my grandma who was dying and he didn’t let me out of the house. He called Metro and told them I had a gun and I was threatening both of us. The issue with this was the gun wasn’t in the house as I had used it to attempt suicide a year prior. He lied to the police and the police believe him and not me. I was dragged screaming and fighting by 6 metro officers while being given shots of sedatives and strapped to a bed and taken to a mental facility were no one even tried to talk to me and every night another patient would stand over me and masturbate. I have an overwhelming fear of the police. They scare me because I know that they can take me for any reason they feel like and put me back into a torture chamber any time they feel like it. That’s why the email and not the police. I didn’t even want to go in to see NSP. Halligan had to talk me down to even get me to come in.
D has raped women before. I know this because he told me he did. This was not this one incident on video. This was 5 months of him getting drunk and forcing my legs open at night. This is texts back and for with him talking about how I was bleeding from my rectum and how he was not listening when I told him to stop touching me all because he was blackout drunk. This was 2 months of me being in pain every time we had sex because of the damage he did that night. This was me bleeding. This was horrific.
I thought, honestly, I didn’t fight enough. I thought I didn’t say no enough. I thought it was actually me. I thought I was over reacting and being hyperbolic when I was upset right after that night and contacted my friends. I didn’t believe it until I really watched that video after I talked to a high school student at work who had been raped. That was July 1st.
The video had been posted online with D’s not just consent but encouragement to get a third partner for sex. I had to take it down from the website because people kept saying it was rape and it made me uncomfortable. How could it be rape if he told me he loved me for the first time while he did it? How could be rape if he was my boyfriend. The answer is it was rape and I didn’t see it because I am so overwhelmingly traumatized by a lifetime of sexual abuse starting with a case your office handle in 1983 or 1984. Incline Village Montessori School case where they were sex trafficking children. The case was turned over on appeal I believe because you can’t trust the memories of children. I don’t recall anything about it. I really don’t. I know stories I’ve been told and cases I read. I actually named my child after Mills Lane for my mom’s sake. My mom has always told me what he said to her: “you put your ears back and you fight.”
Please let me know how this happened. Why this happened. Why you sent a rapist to be an assistant attorney general in another state. I need to know or I’m never going to heal.
Thank you,
Sent from my iPhone
Email to the AG
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